MSD Watcher Frontend

The MSD watcher frontend

Note: All paths in this section are relative to the package root, i.e. /frontend/

The frontend project acts as the main UI for the msd watcher. It visualizes the deployed kubernetes infrastructure in a graph, and is supposed to show activity (events, internal rest calls, etc.) too in the future.

Important dependencies

  • Vue.js 3 acts as the main framework
  • G6 is the graph visualization framework used
  • Typescript as the language used
  • Vite.js as the build tool


At the moment the frontend only contains a (very rough and, at least for me, not satisfactory) visualization of some kubernetes resources as they are deployed in a cluster. It provides some helpers for view manipulation but not much else.

The problems with visualizing a kubernetes landscape

Kubernetes Landscapes consist of some number of nodes that are related in some kind of way. This kind of forms a DAG which gives us a good start to visualize it. But, there is a (relatively) big problem: It isn’t really a DAG.
First of, I wanted to show every namespace at once. This means we need multiple DAG like graphs at the same time, all with a mostly non overlapping layout somehow arranged on the background to make sense and not take up a whole ton of useless space. This was/is not easy to achieve, mainly because there aren’t any libraries or tools that aim to do such a thing.
There was a lot of research done to land at the current solution described in the section below. I will outline the important milestones here and why they worked/didn’t.


Kubeview is a tool developed to almost do what this aims to achieve.
It provides a kubernetes visualization and is even build using a similar architecture. But there are some problems that prevented this monitor simply being a fork of kubeview.

  1. It (obviously) doesn’t contain any “activity monitoring” e.g. blinking nodes when a kafka event was emitted.
  2. It only visualizes one namespace at a time.
    Since the goal is to visualize the entire MSD at a glance, we need to visualize everything at once. But maybe we can relatively easily adapt the code to work for our usecase?
  3. The stack used and the state of the project.
    1. The code is a bit of a mess. At least from my perspective it didn’t seem like something easily expanded/improved
      on. Mostly because:
    2. It uses Go for the backend and Vue 2 for the frontend. I have no prior experience with Go, and the current code didn’t look very friendly / workable to me.
      Vue 2 would be workable (and early versions of this very project where heavily inspired by the way things where done in kubeview) but there was another roadblock that only showed its head after a lot of work already went into trying to make things work: kubeview uses cytoscape as its main visualization library


Cytoscape was the first library I used to visualize the “kubernetes graph”. It worked great, had a nice api and ok docs. But once it became time to render multiple, separate graphs, i.e. the multiple namespaces, it became clear that cytoscape wasn’t the way forward.
The main problem was that cytoscape can only properly support one layout type per instance. This meant that every aspect of the visualization (the positioning of the namespaces, the positioning of the graphs in the namespace boxes and the graphs itself) all needed to use the same layouting algorithm. It was simply impossible to achieve any kind of good-looking layout with this constraint and thus, a new library was needed.
Trust me, this decision was not easy to make as cytoscape was up until this point pretty great to work with, and I’ve had it integrated into the project almost perfectly. But after ripping my hair out because I was just getting messy / useless / unreadable graphs left and right, something had to change.

The current state of the visualization

Currently, the graph gets rendered using G6. This provides an at least acceptable visualization after a ton of experimenting, but is still not perfect.

The following sections are best read with the code open on the side!


Term Explanation
Combo / Namespace Since we group all other kubernetes resources by the namespace we also group them in the data. G6 used combos for this usecase. The words “combo” and “namespace” can be used interchangeably in the following section.


The project consists of 2 components. App.vue which just provides an entrypoint and GraphViewer.vue which contains everything else, so it’s concerned with rendering, data fetching and even some layout/styling.

This monolithic architecture is NOT ideal and should be changed in the future!
Data handling, layout/styling and actually rendering the graph should probably all be handled in seperate components.

Lifecycle of GraphViewer.vue

  1. On mount of the vue component we initialize the G6 Graph.
    We pass it a lot of options, some important ones to note:
    • layout: We use the dagre layout but with sortByCombo: true because our nodes are grouped by combos (namespaces)
    • modes.default: Enable zooming and dragging of the viewport/canvas and disable dragging nodes out of a combo
    • defaultNode / defaultCombo: some dimension and appearance settings for nodes and combos. e.g. label positioning & size
  2. Now we fetch data from our backend. This currently includes:
    - Namespaces
    - DeamonSets
    - Deployments
    - ReplicaSets
    - Pods
    - Endpoints
    Each of them gets loaded using the native fetch api with some wrappers around it to make life easier. We also utilize promise await to avoid big promise chains but still maintain the order of fetches and ensure data fetching finished before trying to use any of it.
  3. After we got the graph initialized and fetched the data, we build up our graph data.
    There are a few simple helper functions that do some very simple parsing and add the resources to the graph data array.
    Once everything was processed we simply pass that data to G6 and let it render.

Due to the reactivity of vue there are some DOM changes happening that don’t correspond to anything explicitly happening in the code like e.g. rendering the graph with G6.
Currently this only includes generating a bunch of buttons for each namespace as soon as the namespace data gets received. These buttons enable ‘focusing’ into a namespace.
This focusing is one of the things cytoscape simply did better: call with the name of the namespace we want to be as big as possible, in the middle of the screen and done!
In G6 we have to perform this focusing in 2 steps with a bit of manual math in between.

  1. We get the actual namespace element from G6 in order to get its dimensions and calculate the needed zoom ratio we need to set, so it fits the screen.
  2. We use the inbuilt focusItem function of G6 which (unfortunately) just centers the combo in the viewport
  3. After that animation is done we apply the calculated zoom ratio to make the combo/namespace fill the entire screen.

Note for future development: This “focusing” method is obviously not ideal. The whole focusing should be done in one animation.
I’ve messed around with doing the transitions (mainly focusItem) without animations, storing the coordinates where we end up, resetting the view to before and then using these coordinates along with the zoom ratio with some method found in the “viewport operation” section of the G6 docs to create one smooth animation. I didn’t have any luck with this, mostly because I couldn’t get the viewport to properly reset after doing focusItem. I was not able to figure out which coordinates to use and how to manipulate them. I know this should be possible but due to time constraints and other factors I left it as is after a lot of experimenting.

The future

Maybe, just maybe X6 which is developed by the same people as G6 would provide a better experience and visualization since it is specifically build for diagrams and not graphs. But i’ve not tested it, I just stumbled across it during a frustrated session of research on how to just make this look good…

Last modified December 19, 2023: fixes #38, #39, #40 (0eedf42)